Becca Hartmeier Photo

Becca Hartmeier

North Dallas Doula Associates

Plano, TX Service range 45 miles

Birth Fee

Not specified

Birth Fee

Not specified

Birth Doula Experience

2 years and 80 births attended

Birth Doula Certifications

  • BEST - Certified Birth Doula

Doula Training

  • BEST Doula Training, January 2022

Type of practice: Group practice with shared call schedule

Clients per month: 2 to 5

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth

College Education


Special Services Offered

  • Abortion support
  • Acupressure
  • Aromatherapy
  • Childbirth education services
  • LGBTQIA+ Support
  • Miscarriage support
  • Satellite doula (for remote and rural clients)
  • TENS units rental
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Spanish

Service Area

Plano, TX Service range 45 miles

Certifications for Becca Hartmeier

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Learn more about evaluating doula certifications, an important part of the interview process.

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Client Testimonials for Becca Hartmeier

Post a testimonial for Becca Hartmeier



Becca was our doula for our 3rd birth experience. Having given natural birth without epidural twice (and relatively fast), some people suggested not to have a doula this time but I'm glad that we contacted her as every birth experience is unique. Becca is very knowledgeable about pregnancy, birth and postpartum topics. She has a positive attitude, which definitely helps during labor, especially if you're looking for a natural birth. I had to be induced with pitocin a few days before my due date and things progressed very quickly after the doctor broke my water. From the time my water was broken, it took only less than 25 minutes for our baby to be born. Becca was with us during the whole process and stayed after birth an hour or so to make sure that we were all doing well. She also frequently checked in postpartum to see if we needed anything. You can definitely tell that she is passionate about being a doula and does her best to create a positive experience for the mother and whole family.

Krista Niemela


When I found out I was pregnant with my second baby one of the first things I told my husband was "we are getting a doula this time." My first birth was beautiful but when I looked back on it there was also a lot of trauma that I wanted to avoid this time. I reach out to North Dallas Doula Associates and was paired with Becca. I feel so lucky and blessed that she was part of our journey. She listened to my past birth story and together we talked about what I would like to go differently this time. She checked it often throughout my pregnancy and offered support and advice through every stage. During labor she helped me feel in control of the process and helped create space for my husband and I to make the right decisions for us. I delivered a beautiful 10 lb 3 oz baby girl and even though not everything went the way I planned, I am able to look back on this birth and feel nothing but joy. Becca played a huge part in my positive experience. I would recommend her to anyone who is pregnant.

Jasmine Monjaras


I came into contact with Becca through NDDA. I choose her specifically because she spoke Spanish and my husband only speaks spanish. This was great for me because I really wanted someone who knew how to talk to my husband on what was going on and what to do to help me. When I first talked to Becca, she was so delightful and happy and open to talk about whatever concerns I had. The thing I really liked about her, besides the Spanish speaking, was that she always had a back up plan. That was important to me because I like to plan ahead. From the very beginning she informed me on having a back up Spanish speaker from NDDA to help out in case she couldn't make it and did not feel confident enough in her Spanish speaking abilities. My due date was 12/7/2023. Becca would check up on me every so and then, and would always answer any questions I had and would promptly schedule a meeting to talk. I was diagnosed with Preeclampsia at 36 weeks of pregnancy. I was admitted for that and was going to stay in the hospital till induction at 38 weeks. Becca gave me many tips on what to do to trigger labor on its own. Baby ended up coming 3 days later after I got admitted. My labor started at 4 am. I called Becca, and she ANSWERED. She told me, "call me back, and let me know whenever you need me to be there." Best words she could of told me. She ended up getting to the hospital at 7 am after I called her an hour before! She brought good motivations to make me believe I can do it. The best thing I could of have was her because, no joke, she helped me SOO much more than what my husband did. She coached me during pushing, reminding me to relax my hips!! Like what the heck!! How could you tell MY HIPS were not relaxed?! Anyways, I relaxed them, ended up pushing for 15 minutes!! I dilated from a 3 to 10 in hour thanks to her!!! My husband was able to get a break and go eat, AGAIN, thanks to her! She ended up PRAYING for me which helped me stay grounded. Get Becca, she is the one.



Becca is a ray of sunshine. She brings a very positive energy to every meeting and really radiates encouragement and capability. If you're looking for someone who will be your ultimate cheerleader, Becca is your girl! She was also very vocal with my nurses and hands-on during the pushing. She proposed alternate positions, helped provide counter pressure, and even took some amazing photos! Thank you, Becca! 



This was my first pregnancy and all I felt was fear knowing at the end of it all, I would go into labor. I went in search of a Doula and as soon as Becca and I connected, I knew I had found the right person. Having Becca by my side while giving birth was the best decision I could have made. Her calm and peaceful presence in the room was beyond comforting. Her unwavering support really helped reassure me when I felt like giving up. My fiancé didn't understand what a Doula was or why I felt like I needed one, but he now understands and even agrees that we could not have birthed our beautiful baby boy without her. We are so grateful to Becca for for helping us to have such a positive birth experience and also advocating for my wish for an all-natural birth! She's truly the best!



I was very nervous about all things birth-related (even the thought of creating a birth plan made me break out into hives lol). Becca was there for every freak out I had during my pregnancy. When it came time for labor and delivery, Becca was there to keep my husband and me calm, lend us advice, and be a source of peace in the chaos. Our number one recommendation for anyone who becomes pregnant is to hire Becca! We will for sure be using her for any and all future children. 



Becca was there for the birth of our first son and we couldn't recommend her enough as a birth doula. Leading up to our baby boy's debut, she was attentive, thoughtful, and frequently in touch to offer guidance, support, and answer questions. She helped us develop a birth plan that was both true to our core values but also flexible, given the unpredictable nature of labor and delivery. On the big day, she was invaluable in working with my husband and I through my contractions. She communicated with us and the nurses at the hospital constantly, serving as a go-between to help us make the best decisions we could as the process ran its course. She even brought me a heating pad and broth at my husband's request, since my labor was quite long. I ended up needing a C section, and Becca stayed with us every step of the way, helping me with skin-to-skin and breastfeeding when our son joined us immediately after the surgery. Becca thank you for everything - we are grateful!



I decided early in my pregnancy that I wanted to deliver naturally in a hospital and I am SO happy that I had Becca by my side to do that. From first meeting Becca, my husband and I could tell how passionate she is about what she does. It stood out to us how easy and comfortable you feel around her right away. Not only was she very supportive of any choice I wanted to make, she was right there with me throughout my pregnancy. I could text her about any thoughts or questions I was having and she was a great resource. She helped me use a TENS unit in labor and I cannot stress enough how much this helped my unmedicated birth experience. She was calm and collected throughout the whole labor. Although the nurses and doctor were great, it was so grounding and reassuring to have someone familiar there who knew exactly what was happening. She also took amazing photos of the birth that I will cherish forever and, even though we discussed it ahead of time, I didn't even realize she was taking them. Becca is one of the warmest souls I have had the pleasure of knowing and I am so happy she helped me bring my baby girl into the world. 

Shaelyn R


Becca was absolutely amazing to work with! This was my first pregnancy and Becca was able to help calm my nerves and make me feel educated and empowered in the birthing process. She was always available to answer any question and send over information throughout my pregnancy. She also made my husband feel at ease and was a support to him as well. During labor and delivery, she went above and beyond and was such a calming and positive presence. The doctor's office was also impressed with Becca and requested her contact information. I would highly recommend Becca to anyone!

Sidra Hashmi


Becca was an amazing doula!! She helped me when I went to labor during an ice storm and stayed with me all night through labor in the hospital. She was good at communicating and took her time with us and made sure I had everything I needed. Thanks Becca! 

Bonney Burnett


Becca is who you want in your birthing room with you. She is calm, knowledgeable, helpful, kind, works well with the other members of the team and keeps you grounded. She is an amazing treasure of a human that I will value forever. She is an excellent communicator and is there for you through your whole pregnancy. The Burnetts love you, Becca!

Emily Smilie


Working with Becca was awesome! In full transparency, I had actually requested a different doula when I originally sent in my NDDA application, but that doula wasn't available for my son's due date. I was assigned Becca instead. That's important to note as I emphasize that I have ZERO REGRETS about working with Becca!! She is/was kind, prompt, compassionate, a clear communicator, she responded to my needs quickly, and she helped me achieve my goal of having an unmedicated birth. There is NO WAY I could have had an unmedicated birth without her. Seriously. If you're thinking about choosing Becca as a doula (or, if you're like me and got connected to her by fate), do it. 



I had a medically necessary and incredibly difficult induction process and Becca was the #1 reason I felt safe and at ease during the entire process. She is educated and thoughtful, always giving us the information we needed to make the decisions we had to make. She was personable and fun which helped us stay positive throughout the entire journey! I don't know how I would have survived without Becca as my doula for my first birth and I will certainly bring her into any future pregnancy and birth I have! 

Gina Corona


Becca ended up being our doula, as the person we hired was not available. We had a wonderful experience with Becca. Before she arrived, I was on the verge of asking for an epidural. She helped me cope with the pain and I even felt more relaxed and I was able to redirect my sensations and managed pain with her help. I didn't need an epidural after all! She is also very sweet and fun and I can tell she is truly passionate for what she does. My husband and I were very happy to have her as our doula. 

Cassie Amaya


First let me say that Becca is the most precious angel! I found her on the North Texas Doulas website, and requested her because she had such a warm and inviting aura, in her picture.  When I found her, it was kind of late in our process and I was only a few weeks out from bringing my beautiful babe into the world. She met us at Torchys to go over our birth plan - because it was Taco Tuesday and our 6 year old takes that very seriously. Becca is so easy to talk to, and made both me and my husband (and our son), feel comfortable and heard. It instantly felt like we'd been friends for years. She listened to our wants and needs, and didn't make us feel silly for our concerns. My water broke 3 weeks early, and Becca was actually sick when I went into labor. Even though she was sick, she answered every phone call and text, and she wasted no time finding us another amazing doula to support us. She called multiple times (in the middle of the night) and talked me through my breathing and just checked on my progress before our new doula arrived. After baby was born, Becca brought us tea at home, and spent the afternoon visiting with us; and she's check on us multiple times in the last two months. I'm not sure what I was expecting when we looked for a doula, but Becca far exceeded our expectations. I feel like we found a lifelong friend, and I hope she's available to support us when we're ready to bring our next baby into the world. Love her! 



Becca ended up being our birth doula last minute for the birth of our first child, but I can't imagine having a better experience than we did! She was reassuring, positive and immensely helpful. My husband and I had no idea what we were doing, but she was there every step of the way during labor and delivery. She was calm when I needed to stay relaxed, but upbeat and joking when I needed a distraction. When we finally got to the pushing phase, I remember actually having fun bopping along to the music with my husband, the L&D nurse and Becca. We had such a solid team that made for the best experience bringing our baby girl into this world. My husband and I both agreed that she was amazing and were so glad to have her on our team! 

Brandon Rojas


As a husband, all I can is WOW! Hiring a Doula, and Becca specifically was honestly the best descision my wife and I could have and did make for her pregnancy. We interviewed several other people, but none of them felt right. We immediately connected with Becca and she helped my wife through every step of the way, and I mean every. step. of. the. way. She never left her side, and brought her a level of comfort that the nurses and doctors could not provide. We couldn't imagine doing this again without her! Thank you Becca! 

Birth Availability for Becca Hartmeier

= Available. Calendar last updated: 05-31-2024