Nicole Schubert Photo

Nicole Schubert

My Doula Supported Birth, LLC

Basking Ridge, NJ Service range 45 miles

Birth Fee

$1200 to $2000

Birth Fee

$1200 to $2000

Medicaid and Third Party Insurers

Currently approved to receive payments from the following programs:

Birth Doula Experience

4 years and 38 births attended

Birth Doula Certifications

  • DONA International - Certified Birth Doula
  • Hypnobabies - Certified Hypno-Doula

Doula Training

  • DONA International-Approved Workshop, July 2019

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 1 to 3

Attends hospital births? All Hospitals

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Any Home Birth

College Education


Special Services Offered

  • LGBTQIA+ Support
  • Military families support
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Training Documentation


Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

Advocate for everyone who wants a doula to be able to have one by being certified through the state of NJ to provide doula services to clients who have Medicaid through the NJCares act.

Languages Spoken

  • English

Fee Details

To help make doula care available for all, I keep my rates lower and am certified to provide doula services for families with NJ Familycares insurance. My base fee includes - 2 in home prenatal meetings, access to comprehensive childbirth education, unlimited phone, email and text contact, continuous support for you and your support person/partner in active labor, during birth and up to two hours postpartum, photos before and after birth (I am not a photography professional) as well as 1 postpartum visit in your home. Higher end of fee includes assessing and guiding clients using Body Ready Method ™ certification to prepare their body during pregnancy for optimal comfort and fetal positioning with the goal to facilitate a smoother childbirth and postpartum. I continuously look for ways to increase my knowledge about supporting pregnancy and birth and stive to connect personally with my clients to tailor the care I provide to their individual needs.

Service Area

Basking Ridge, NJ Service range 45 miles

Certifications for Nicole Schubert

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Learn more about evaluating doula certifications, an important part of the interview process.

Report any issues or concerns with certification images.

Client Testimonials for Nicole Schubert

Post a testimonial for Nicole Schubert

Nicole Koupiaris


Nicole was an amazing doula from the moment I met her! This was my first time (challenging) pregnancy. Nicole made me feel at ease from our first conversation. She was always there to answer any questions, concerns I had months leading up to labor. Her knowledge, advice, always steps ahead delivering in such a graceful way. I felt confident leading into my delivery day having Nicole by my side. She was absolutely incredible through my entire labor process!! Not to mention my labor lasted almost two days. She was by my side through the entire process, knowing what I needed but never overstepping any boundary. If I was able to birth another child in my lifetime, without question I would be so honored to have Nicole as my doula again. She is so knowledgeable, she knows how to communicate with everyone involved while educating on the important things that we tend to stress about. Nicole is by far an amazing woman, doula you can trust, as well with your partner and family. My husband and mother n law spoke so highly about Nicole and we all still til this day are SO thankful she was our doula. We are forever thankful for our paths to cross, but especially this journey that was not an easy one for us, at all. I felt ready when labor started knocking on the door, fear was not present, and that was truly a huge piece of gratitude because of Nicole. She had a great timeline of providing us with "mile markers" on things to plan for, reading/educational material, things to think about, etc. She also came to visit after our son was born and was so very thoughtful letting me borrow pillows, any anything that she felt would help me on my journey. Looking back, I truly have not one concern, or "wish it could've been like this" thought. I would recommend Nicole 100x over again!

Dunnia V.


My husband and I are incredibly grateful for the support and care provided by our doula Nicole during the birth of my baby. Her presence made a significant difference in our entire birthing experience compared with  our first baby.

Nicole was a constant source of encouragement, not only during labor but since week 20 of my pregnancy, in the first meeting I knew she would be a positive addition to my journey.   Her knowledge of comfort measures and birthing techniques was evident,  she provided invaluable support during each contraction, since I decided to go ALL natural birth. The conditions at the hospital were not the ones we planned, but that didn’t stop me from enjoying that moment, because my husband and my doula were there to help me to focus on the positive outcome. I truly feel she prepared me from day one, with helpful information,  techniques and exercises. She created a soothing atmosphere in the middle of the mist, her attention to detail didn't go unnoticed. Communication was seamless. Nicole was not only attentive to my needs but also communicated effectively with the medical team, ensuring a cohesive and supportive environment.

Having my doula by my side made me feel empowered and supported. Her guidance helped me navigate the challenges of labor with confidence, and I am certain my birth experience was enhanced because of her presence, Her unwavering positivity was contagious and helped me stay focused on the beauty of the birthing journey.

I cannot thank Nicole enough for the positive impact she had on one of the most important days of our lives. Her dedication and compassion truly made a difference, we  are forever grateful. She has a place in our hearts.

I wholeheartedly recommend Nicole to anyone seeking a supportive and knowledgeable birth companion. Her commitment to personalized care and genuine concern for her clients is truly commendable.

Clare Buganski


Nicole was a wonder from start to finish. She gave me and my husband the confidence we needed as first time parents and the tools to make the right decision for our delivery and birth. No question or concern was too small or silly to ask and she provided so many helpful resources along the way.

Nicole made herself so available to us in the weeks leading up to the birth of our son whether it was a phone call, a quick text or a house visit. The two sessions we had leading up to labor were so helpful in preparing physically and mentally and her fun and easy going attitude brought so much peace to the process.

When I started labor, Nicole was in contact right away and throughout the day as I labored from home. Contractions got stronger in the early hours of the morning and she did not hesitate to come to our house to help get us through the more intense contractions before heading to the hospital.

Arriving at the hospital, Nicole advocated for all that I might want and need through labor and was the most wonderful cheerleader through delivery. She stayed with us right the way through until we got to our recovery suite.

Nicole truly considers every detail whether it be practicals to pack for the hospital or bringing along a sign to welcome baby’s arrival for their first picture. I couldn’t have asked for a smoother process or a greater team for my first pregnancy and am beyond grateful to have had Nicole guiding me and my husband through the excitement, fear, and unknowns of pregnancy and delivery.

I cannot recommend Nicole enough and am so grateful to have had her as our doula.

Evangelina Paredes


Incredible Experience!

Where to even begin! I could write all day about how incredible Nicole was during my pregnancy and delivery, but I will highlight the most important parts.

During pregnancy - Nicole was so attentive, helpful and kind throughout my pregnancy. I would ask her questions regarding anything and she would always answer with helpful resources. She was always available and ready to help to the best of her ability. As a first time mom, this was incredibly helpful and I always felt like I could call her and get some questions answered.

During delivery - I was induced and Nicole stayed with us the whole time - about 3 days. She was incredibly helpful with explaining what was going on, being with us, helping me go to the bathroom, giving me ice, back rubs, and helping me through my contractions. She was a wealth knowledge throughout the process and brought a calming voice to every moment of uncertainty.

We are so happy with Nicole, I have already recommended her to all of my friends!



Dear Nicole,

You have a caring heart and generous spirit and I am so grateful that my life has been touched by both. I could not thank you enough for all the support encouragement and guidance you gave me. Your knowledge, kindness and positive attitude helped me get through this beautiful yet challenging time. Thank you for being a part of this very important day. We really appreciate it!

McNall Family


Dear Nicole,

Having you with us for the birth of our son was so special. Your support throughout pregnancy was incredibly selfless. You always made yourself available. Your understanding, your patience, and your kindness will never be forgotten. A simple gentle back rub, a cool cloth to the head, making sure my voice was heard.. made all the difference in my birth story. There's no gift that can thank you enough. 

Sarah Bilto


Nicole was my doula for my second pregnancy/birth and I could not have been happier with my decision to go with her. She was absolutely transparent and reliable. She was accommodating and flexible. She continued to reach out in sincerity while also providing resources to help me with whatever I needed leading up to birth and thereafter. It was with her help that I was able to get my baby head down! The day of my birth went so smoothly and if it wasn't for her holding my hand literally and figuratively I would not have had as good of an experience. She's present with you and so genuine. I would absolutely recommend her to be your doula! 

Evan V


Nicole is a kind, thoughtful, and friendly doula who is helpful in guiding and supporting families throughout their pregancy journey. She was very attentive and considerate while listening to my wife's desires for her birth. Additionally, she provided great advice and resources during my wife's pregancy. When the big day finally came, Nicole was there every step of the way. Throughout the labor process she was an invaluable advocate and supporter for my wife to help her through the labor process. Highly, highly recommend.

Shannon McCormick


Deciding to have a doula for our birth was very last minute and Nicole did not disappoint, she was simply amazing! I reached out to her around 35 weeks and already, our first phone call made me feel so at ease. She immediately provided me extensive info on various ways to prepare for birth and baby, and it really made me feel much more comfortable and confident in the whole journey

I had a natural birth at a birthing center, where Nicole met us- as per my request- she was more than willing to meet us at our home for early labor. She did her absolute best to make me feel comfortable and get through contractions when I needed her most. Even after giving birth her support immediately postpartum was great to have. Her sweet, loving nature just makes you feel very comfortable and is very uplifting after such an intense birthing process. Even the little thought she had to snap pictures during our birth is something we'll always cherish.
Her care did not stop there- a follow up at our home to check in was nice to look forward to. She will always hold a special place in our heart, playing such an important  role in one of the most monumental moments in our lives. 



Nicole was wonderful!  She spent a lot of time getting to know us and our needs before the birth and providing a lot of education and helpful resources.  She was great at helping us understand our options and prepare for birth.  At our birth, Nicole was awesome - she helped keep both me and my husband calm and comfortable, and helped us navigate our options.  She even took awesome photos!  She is friendly and very personable.  We highly recommend her!!  

Angela Hendryx


Nicole has been a continued source of support throughout our pregnancy journey, from prenatal preparation to labor, delivery, and postpartum. We could reach her whenever we needed. She connected with us with many useful resources about labor, delivery, and early childcare. She always wanted to support any questions or desires we had, and never made us feel like we had to choose any certain option. She’s very sweet and considerate, sending updates and keeping in contact postpartum. She help me understand signs of prodromal labor, and coached me through needing to wait a bit longer for delivery.  We both really appreciated her calm manner and practical approach; she helped us understand our options all along the way. Nicole is a wonderful caregiver and partner and we highly recommend her.

Raeanna Zimmerman


I waited til halfway through my pregnancy to find a doula, which may not have been the best, but I'm so glad I did because Nicole is the best! Nicole is super supportive, knowledgeable, and passionate about her work as a doula! I can tell you that you wouldn't regret having her as your doula. She's very communicative and is willing to step in if you need a voice to speak for you (if you're not 100% confident speaking up for yourself) when she knows you absolutely want your labor to go in a certain direction. She's also not afraid to tell you that certain options might not be a good fit for you. She helped me out at home during labor doing "exercises" to get my baby in the best position, and boy did it work! While I was at the birthing center, I was doing a breathing technique and at one point my brain shut off and I couldn't remember the technique! I looked at her and asked for help and she did the breathing with me to get me back on track. All in all, Nicole is an extremely amazing doula and person! I'm totally having her again for my next birth! Even my husband said that he would recommend her to anyone looking for a doula! Thank you Nicole for everything!



I don't even know where to begin! I had the best experience with Nicole leading up to my delivery, during delivery and after. She's the sweetest person EVER! She gave me so many tips and information to make sure I was well informed of my opinions and what to look forward to during delivery. Nicole was the support system I was looking for during this life changing experience. I appreciate how she reaches out to make sure I am doing well, I feel like she's become apart of my family now. Getting a doula was the best decision I've made. 

Jessica Drzewiecki


When researching doulas in my area to attend my birth, as a first time mama, I wasn't sure exactly what I was looking for, however as soon as I spoke to Nicole on the phone, I knew she was the doula for me. I loved her energy, and I felt like it matched mine very well, therefore I immediatly chose her! She was very helpful prenatally, she came to my house several times to review the process as well as multiple times to practice and review spinning babies techniques with my husband and I, and of course was available anytime by phone and text. When I went into labor, my water broke first and very fast contractions ensued, which threw off the timeline for my labor. I had to go to the birth center for antibiotics, and she met us there, and proceeded to get in the backseat with me for the many trips I took in order to get the antibiotics, and go back to laboring at home. At home, she was providing counter pressure on my low back, as well as helping with position changes and helping me in the shower, swapping back and forth with my husband to try and support me. I eventually got an epidural, and long story short, I had a 37 hour labor, ending in an infection that caused me to get a c-section. Nicole stayed the entire time, and made sure I was out of recovery ok before finally going home. She has since followed up with multiple postpartum visits for lots of debriefing because of my traumatic experience with this particular birth center/hospital. She has even gone out of her way to research VBAC opportunities for my future births. She was an absolute gem, and I would have no hesitation hiring her again for my future children. She also makes great lactation cookies, which my husband even sampled, not realizing they were for lactation!

Chloe Price


Nicole is an angel.

I don't even know where to begin. Nicole became my doula late into my pregnancy and I am so grateful she did.  My labor was so painful but she helped me through every contraction  and stood with me when it was too painful for me to lay down.  She has such a warm, loving energy that I needed. She brought little things like light up candles and inspiration to make the environment more calm, she helped me advocate for myself, and she went out of her way many times.  She was supportive through everything, and after I had my baby. I cannot suggest this lovely woman enough!!  It is obvious that this is something she was meant to do!  My family and I will never forget her. 

Ariana Morrissette


I wanted a black doula when I sought out for one because black women have a high maternal mortality rate, however I got connected with Nicole.Nicole was an amazing doula who understood that concern.I ended up being induced into labor maybe about a week and a half after we had our initial meeting and she was very supportive. She was active throughout the whole labor and delivery,rarely taking a moment to sit. She stood up for my rights as a student doctor tried to bully me into breaking my water when there was no good reason at all to. She was very encouraging and patient as I had quite a few moments where I didn't think I could do it. She was very helpful and even offered to help me clean up because my baby was early I didn't have everything prepared. She was attentive,kind,and encouraging. Even after having my baby she continued to keep in touch and offer resources.If I have another baby, I will definitely go with her again.

Marina I.


Nicole! You are nothing short of phenomenal! We are so glad you were there to walk us through this new experience. We may have been your first birth but you wouldn't be able to tell. You handled everything with grace and patience and appreciate all that you did for me, hubby and Ava and I can't thank you enough! You held my hand during the hardest time of my life and that is some thing I will never forget. Praying this Corona stuff slows down so that other women can get to appreciate your loving care. With so much love -Marina Angel & Ava 

Susie Licci


Nicole was our doula for the birth of our second son on September 30, 2020, and we had a wonderful experience with her every step of the way. Nicole has such a kind, warm, and calming presence about her and is clearly passionate about helping women during such a momentous, yet often challenging and vulnerable, time in their lives.

During my pregnancy, she went out of her way to check in on me and provide resources to help me with issues I was experiencing (for example, I struggled with symphysis pubis dysfuction throughout the second half of my pregnancy). She was always very supportive, and I could tell she truly cared about my, and my baby's, well-being.

When my water broke and active labor started very quickly, she met us at the entrance to the hospital and was very attentive and helpful throughout labor and delivery, making the experience very seamless and calm for us. I am so grateful and appreciative to have had Nicole as our doula and would highly recommend her.



I had the pleasure of being supported by Nicole for the birth of my 4th baby this past May, 2020.  Leading up to the birth, Nicole provided continuous support with updated information, research related to by birth plan wishes, and visuals that were really useful during my labor.  We practiced some pain management strategies and we had conversations about how she and my husband would share the supporting role during labor and delivery so that I felt really confident leading up to delivery day.  Upon being admitted to the hospital, she was able to provide gentle suggestions for positioning strategies that were helpful.  She reminded me of some of the things we had talked about prior to labor, like staying hydrated, asking plenty of questions, changing positions during labor, and generally helped me stay focused on what I knew I wanted my birth plan to be.  Overall, she simulated an angel on your shoulder to help me stay focused, to keep me on my planned path, and shared the supporting role with my husband so that HE felt supported in the birth process too.  We were incredibly blessed to have an uncomplicated delivery and welcomed a little baby girl into our arms on 5/25/20. 

Following the birth of baby girl, Nicole was available for postpartum support.  I had several challenges with nursing our baby girl.  Crying and in pain, I reached out to Nicole for support and advise.  She had immediate relevant research to share and offered information and helped me create a plan of action when I began symptoms of Mastitis.  With her support, I was treated immediately and able to minimize the pain to be able to work through this obstacle to continue nursing successfully.   

My fourth birth was the easiest birth both physically, and in some ways emotionally.  Having someone part of your birthing team who is dedicated to support YOU, the Momma, is so valuable and special! 



My husband and I contacted Nicole early in my pregnancy (our first). She immediately called us back and talked to me for quite a while on the phone and offered an in person home visit. From the minute she walked in she was sweet, calm and had with great energy. We knew we wanted to work with her right away. It was our first child and I wanted to make sure I labored at home as long as possible and that both myself and my husband had support. She met with us multiple times to answer any of our questions, show us exercises and get to know us. I could text her or call her anytime I needed anything! She was amazingly patient and very knowledgeable and up to date on all the latest research and theories. She presents all sides to everything and never made us feel like she was biased or like we did not have a choice in our birth plan ! Even if you are not 100% sure you want a doula at least call her and explore the possibility because you won't regret it! 

Birth Availability for Nicole Schubert

= Available. Calendar last updated: 05-12-2024