Tara Martinsen Photo

Tara Martinsen


Mesa, AZ Service range 30 miles


Birth Fee

$1000 to $1500

Postpartum Rate

$35 to $45

Birth Fee

$1000 to $1500

Postpartum Rate

$35 to $45

Birth Doula Experience

3 years and 50 births attended

Postpartum Doula Experience

3 years and 30 families served

Birth Doula Certifications

  • Childbirth International (CBI) - Certified Birth Doula
  • HypnoBirthing (Mongan Method) - Professional Doula Training Certification

Doula Training

  • Childbirth International, November 2020

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 1 to 4 births and 1 to 3 postpartum families

Postpartum limits/restrictions: Will not provide post partum in person support in a home with smokers.

Attends hospital births? Some Hospitals

Attends birth center births? Some Birth Centers

Attends home births? Some Home Births
As long as there is a midwife present

Special Services Offered

  • Antepartum doula support
  • Childbirth education services
  • First Aid and CPR
  • Hypnosis for birth
  • Infant massage education
  • Lactation consultant/counselor services
  • Newborn care specialist
  • Reduced rates for women considering adoption
  • TENS units rental
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

I have done lots of volunteer work over the years across many different areas. Working with children and adults with special needs, refugee families and older people who need hands on care. I truly love people and find great joy in serving.

Service Area

Mesa, AZ Service range 30 miles

Certifications for Tara Martinsen

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Learn more about evaluating doula certifications, an important part of the interview process.

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Client Testimonials for Tara Martinsen

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An amazing doula! So thankful I went with Tara as my doula. She was so calming, knowledgeable, and supportive throughout my labor. She gave me new positions to try during labor, supported me, and captured some beautiful moments of my labor and my first time holding my daughter on video. 

Grace Harley


I cannot reccommend Tara enough!! We were lucky enough to not only have Tara as our doula but we also took a hypnobirthing class led by Tara and these were two of the best decisions we made prepping for labor and delivery. Tara helped ease any anxiousness or uncertainties leading up to the labor of our first child. She takes the time to truly get to know you and your spouse and asks the important questions. Leading up to labor Tara put our minds at ease and was an incredible resources and support person. In the delivery room Tara truly exceeded all expectations, she goes above and beyond in every way and Tara helped make our labor and delivery experience such a positive experiece. The delivery room was calm and Tara blended in seamlessly with my husband and mom that were in the room. Tara helped dictate the atmosphere and ensured that the room remained calm and serene, at every turn she was reassuring and helped me understand what stage of labor we were in and what was happening next (I asked a lot of questions during labor but if you don't want these answers Tara won't bombard you with details or unneccesary explanations). Tara's toolkit for labor had everything you could ever need and I firmly believe my labor experience was such a positive, empowering experience because of Tara's help in the birth class and her help on the day of. After the delivery Tara went so far as to go and get us dinner so we had time with our new baby. Once home, Tara came over to assist with my baby's latch and help me with breastfeeding, with a new mom gift in hand. I truly cannot safe enough good things about Tara and cannot imagine giving birth without Tara by our side!! When Tara left the hospital the nurses continued to sing her praises and let me know, even though I already knew, that we had one of the best doulas they had ever seen. If my recommendation isn't enough, the nurses at Mercy Gilbert recommended Tara just as much as I do and were in awe of Tara.  



I am so glad we selected Tara to be our doula! She is so kind, thoughtful, and supportive, not only during the birth but during my pregnancy and postpartum period as well. Tara is very knowledgeable about birth and and was very helpful when I had questions or concerns. She is also very reliable and great at communicating, especially when it got close to my due date. I never worried that I wouldn't be able to get ahold of her when it got close to my due date. During the birth she was a great support to me! She had a lot of strategies to help me manage the intensity of the contractions, she was encouraging, and helpful.  Before hiring a doula, we were wondering if it would change my husband's role as my primary support in the birth experience, but we found that hiring Tara made it even more possible for him to focus on supporting me while she used strategies to help me. She was very respectful of the both of us and was a wonderful addition to our birth team! 

Renee Hord


I am so glad we selected Tara to be our doula! She is so kind, thoughtful, and supportive, not only during the birth but during my pregnancy and postpartum period as well. Tara is very knowledgeable about birth and and was very helpful when I had questions or concerns. She is also very reliable and great at communicating, especially when it got close to my due date. I never worried that I wouldn't be able to get ahold of her when it got close to my due date. During the birth she was a great support to me! She had a lot of strategies to help me manage the intensity of the contractions, she was encouraging, and helpful.  Before hiring a doula, we were wondering if it would change my husband's role as my primary support in the birth experience, but we found that hiring Tara made it even more possible for him to focus on supporting me while she used strategies to help me. She was very respectful of the both of us and was a wonderful addition to our birth team! 

Danielle Bosnjak


Tara was referred to me by another doula who was unavailable during my due date and I am so happy that we were connected. 

I was originally unsure if I wanted a doula and my husband was actually the one who was encouraging us to find one. My husband and I took the Hynobirthing classes Tara facilitated and we hired her as our doula and it was the best decision we could have made. Tara's approach to the classes and her general approach towards labor and delivery I believe played a key role in my preparation for a very peaceful experience.

Tara went above and beyond in all of our meetings with her ahead of baby's arrival and again during my labor. During labor at home, Tara was with us supporting us, our needs and making sure we were practicing all of the techniques from hypnobirthing that were part of the birth plan.

Tara rode with us to the birth center at around midnight and was our champion all during the night until baby girl was born at 7 the following morning. She helped me remain focused and calm during active labor and was hands-on with ensuring my comfort. She was also extremely supportive of my husband and ensuring that he felt prepared and had what he needed to not only experience the journey himself but support me through it as well. My husband often joked that Tara was his doula :) 

She has come to our home numerous times since our daughters birth and has offered guidance, love and support during extremely exhausting times and has become like family to us. 

I cannot imagine my birth experience without Tara in it and if we choose to have baby #2 we will absolutely have her as our doula again. She is there to listen, offer guidance and support and ensure that you have the birth you want and if circumstances do change during labor, she is there to help you make informed and confident decisions. 






Tara was every bit as amazing as our  friends described her to us. As first time parents and no family in town to support us during this big life event, having Tara by our side was an amazing decision. Her presence in the labor room filled the void of missing family and then some. Not to mention the wealth of knowledge about the birthing process both from a scientific and human level is unparalleled. She always made herself available to answer any questions both prenatal and postpartum. Any new parents that want to put their minds at some ease for the big day, highly recommend having Tara by their side as their Doula! 

Amanda Deakyne


I really enjoyed taking the hypnobirthing course taught by Tara.  The information she taught was exactly what I leaned on when giving birth to my daughter. Tara taught about the breathing techniques (the calm breath, the surge breaths, and the birthing breaths) and gave us opportunities to practice in class. The breathing techniques was my favorite part of the class and was that main thing that helped me birth my baby. I loved the moments Tara gave us time to practice things in class as she guided us how to some of the techniques. It helped me have a better understanding on how to do things at home. The whole experience was knowledgeable and gave me inner strength and confidence that I needed. 

Betsy John


Every mother giving birth needs a doula like Tara. I am so grateful to her for helping me with my birth plan of having a natural unmediated birth. I reached out to Tara almost at the end of my pregnancy but she was so accommodating and welcoming. She would always check on me and kept advising me throughout. Her calm, composed and positive nature helped me with most of my labor at home. She has different techniques for managing the contractions. I would highly recommend Tara to any mother giving birth as having a guardian angel by your side.

Fernando Santillan


Father’s point of view: I was oblivious to the concept of a doula. I never heard about it, until my wife brought to my attention and wanted to contract somebody to assist during labor for the birth of our first child. I was a bit reluctant at first since nobody else I know had ever used a doula before. It being me and my wife’s first birth experience, I didn’t really know exactly what to expect. I can honestly say I don’t know what the experience would have been like without the support and comfort Tara provided. Tara helped tremendously put my wife at ease as her contractions escalated, she also thought me how to hold and support my wife throughout the process. Tara was there every step of the way. Tara is very passionate about what she does, and genuinely cares about providing mom and dad with the best experience possible. If we come to have another child, I will reach out and ask for Tara’s support once again! 



It's been three weeks after the birth of my beautiful daughter, Emma, that I am finally able to write of my doula experience. Reflecting at my birth experience, I keep telling myself things wouldn’t have gone as well as they did if it wasn’t for Tara's support. I took Hypnobirthing classes, and everything seemed simple and easy. I thought that I just needed to relax and breathe, listen to the meditations, and that my child would come out with ease. I was so wrong, although the classes did help by keeping me calm during the beginning stages of labor, Tara's experience and commitment kept me and my husband sane during active labor. I didn't know that the pain gets more intense with every wave. I can say that at the end the pain was unbearable, but Tara made me feel that I was not alone and gave my husband the right tools to support me. My husband and Tara were next to me through the entire labor process. I am so glad Tara was my doula! You can tell she's passionate about birth and does everything possible to keep both parents calm throughout the process. Tara has a very sweet personality and genuinely cares about you.  She will take care of you before, during, and after childbirth. Thank you, Tara, for going above and beyond.  



Bella Crandall


Tara was just the doula I needed. She made me feel heard, supported, and comforted during my homebirth.  She did a great job at knowing what I needed through out labor. 

Kara Jones


Smartest first step in exploring options s and choosing your birth support is to hire a doula. Wish I had done so with my 3 other children. Tara was referred to me by a friend. She lived close by and I went from there. 2 things that I sensed from Tara, and were the big payouts especially on delivery day was her calm and competent vibe. Just the right combo of patience, and support. Sometimes u have no gas in the tank to talk to your spouse, your kids, even your midwife, you can barely open your eyes as u steady your nerves and all during that powerful ride of womanhood in her most impressive hour. If u are seeking calm and competency before, during, and after the storm that is naturally part of delivery day, Tara Is IT. Great communicator, took charge when all I could do was hang on during labor and focus on those brief precious rests. I didn't even learn until during that golden hour holding my newborn son, that it was also HER birthday! I was so delighted to learn I have a child who shared whatever same-day-birthday-magic traits Tara innately is and has. As I embark on postpartum, I look forward to follow up care and counsel from Tara as nursing and recovery lie ahead. 

Thank You Tara!

Love, Kara

Joe Val


We had the good fortune of finding Tara on this website and from there every step along the way has been great! From the initial conversation, to the first home visit, and most importantly during that critical night prior to our boy's arrival - Tara is simply amazing. She took care of applying counter pressure for my spouse while she was experiencing strong contractions and my wife still says she has no clue how she would've fought through them without Tara's tremendous support! I still remember we forgot our hot water bag and Tara was kind enough to stop by a pharmacy on the way, during a thunderstorm, and get us the bag. These are only a couple of examples of her commitment to ensuring you have a great experience before, during and after birth! Highly recommend Tara's services and God willing if we have another baby, Tara will definitely be one of the first calls we'd make.



From the first moment I met Tara, I knew I wanted her at my son's birth. Her demenor is calm, unhurried, and loving; she made me feel safe and completely understood. Leading up to the birth, I talked to her about some of my previous birth experiences and my goals for this time, and she was able to help me process those experiences and achive the birth experience I wanted. With my first two births I did not have a doula; my wonderful husband is a very capable birth coach and so until I met Tara I thought I wouldn't ever use a doula in labor. However, when I met her I realized she could bring something to the experience that was unique and that would help me with the specific goals I had set and vision I had for the birth. It was everything I had hoped it would be, and I can attribute that to Tara and the knowledge, experience, and nurturing presence that she brought with her. I highly, highly recommend her to anyone preparing for birth.

Lauren Foster


We hired Tara when I was 36 weeks along. I hadn't allowed myself to think about investing in a doula until my 3rd trimester. Meeting Tara, she immediately calmed a lot of the fears I had about having an unmedicated birth. She gave me confidence to move forward with it and also switch to a better hospital and midwife situation. I really needed her support and all of the help she gave me finding who and where to switch to.
Meeting with her, she was able to show my husband and I some counter-pressure and other techniques for labor. She had a few trips already planned, but we decided to move forward and have another doula on call in case she couldn't come. We ended up having and unintentional home birth the day she was headed back. The counter pressure she had taught us was extremely helpful when I transitioned very quickly. She stayed in contact the whole time and continued to make sure we had all of the help we needed after. She is not only a great support, but a wealth of knowledge about all of the workings that were involved with labor. She came for a postpartum visit after with the doula that helped during our labor, and it was so special to have her here. I'd highly recommend her to anyone! 

Amber Hendricks


More than halfway through my pregnancy I decided I wanted something different for myself and my birth. So I started by reaching out to Tara. She helped me figure out what I truly wanted my birth to look like and helped me all along the way. I switched from an OBGYN (at 27weeks) to a midwife and realized I wanted an unmedicated birth. Tara was my biggest supporter through it all. When it was go time, Tara came to my house and helped me labor at home. She helped my husband know what to do and was such a calming presence. She knew when to get in the car to head to the hospital, but never made it feel rushed nor me feel anxious. She continued to do counter pressure the rest of my labor and was so encouraging for my mental state also! Reminding me to breath, and relax, or to relax my jaw. After the birth, she rubbed my feet and ankles!! It was amazing. She was the perfect addition to my birth plan! We really couldn't have done it without her. I loved her calming and knowledgeable presence!! If you're on the fence, hesitate no more, she is 100% worth it! 



I think having a Doula like Tara is a game changer.  Naturally, the whole labor and delivery process is stressful. To have someone be with you, who’s experienced and calm, from the beginning of the labor process to the end of delivery makes a tremendous impact on the type of experience you have.  It’s a lot more enjoyable and meaningful to be able to look back at the positive experience with a doula versus the stressful, anxious, nightmare without one (just speaking from my experience).

It’s kind of like going fly fishing with a guide. You CAN go fishing by yourself, but once you’ve had the help of great guide to create an incredible trip, you never want to do it any other way.

Michael Cummings


Patrick - Born June 11, 2021

Would love to give a shout out to Tara Martinsen. From the moment we met Tara, we could feel her genuine caring and warmth. Tara invited us to her beautiful home, cooked us a fabulous meal and walked us through the benefits to having a post partum doula. As first time parents we thought it was a smart move to have someone looking out for baby Patrick and his mom Maya. Well little did I know that I would greatly benefit as well. I was overwhelmed with the care that Tare gave to Maya, Patrick, our home and to my delight, my appetite!

Tara helped Maya with feeding and settling into a routine. She completely alleviated our potential stress and anxiety. Tara would say, whatever you guys need, I am here for you. While Maya would rest, Tara, after checking with us first, would organize our living space, our kitchen storage and provided us with some nice comfort meals during the "brand new welcoming the baby home from the hospital stage".


Thank you Tara, we appreciate you!

Best regards, 


Michael Cummings



As a first time Mom who had no experience about taking care of newborn, I felt unprepared for postpartum life in every aspect as I heard it is a very important period of time for Mom care and baby care yet it is a difficult time too. We are so blessed that we got recommendations about Tara and worked with her. She is very gentle, empathy, considerate, respectful and detail-oriented. Our families are far away from Arizona our and would not be here immediately after baby birth. Having Tara as our postpartum doula, we feel like we have a very loving family member here.

She helped me tremendously for the transition time right after our baby got home. From all the details taking care of our newborn, to neccessary baby care items recommendations; from the motherly/sisterly care on me during my recovery to emotional care and chat about parenting wisdom. She also makes amazing meals, lactation cookies. She showed me how to be a great Mom in many aspect in a short period of time. She is also very talented in interior design and space organizing. She helped me reorganizing home and set a great foundation for an orderly home welcoming a new baby.

Both I and my husband feel like the money we spent getting Tara's postpartum support worth every penny. We wish we could have her longer than postpartum period as she is really awesome and sweet beyond our imagination. I am so glad that I had postpartum happiness which in my situation would be very hard to achieve without a wonderful postpartum doula like Tara. 

As I got to know more about Tara during our time spent together, I wish I could have her as my birth doula - I just didn't know her until very late pregnancy when I had already had a birth doula. Hindsight 20 20, Tara definitely would be a way better choice to be my birth doula. 



I am so incredibly grateful that I found Tara! She was the calm, steady, positive presence that I needed for the birth of my 4th baby. In the weeks leading up to delivery Tara provided suggestions on how to prepare my body for delivery. During labor Tara coached me on producing low toned sounds to help my muscles relax. She was aware of potential complications with my baby and reassured me when I was afraid. Since baby was born Tara has checked in with me and been a great emotional support as well. I am forever grateful for her spirit of calmness and the care she provided.

Seth Tanner


My wife selected Tara as our doula both because of her presence and her expertise. Tara's home and her demeanor exude peace. Our sessions with her provided specific, actionable ideas prior to, during, and post labor. She cares.

Her service went beyond wise suggestions and support to providing a voice to my wife regarding omissions and errors on the part of the birthing center staff. That gave my wife closure. Also, Tara's action laid a foundation for her to help others receive superior care in the future.

I fully recommend Tara as someone who understands the needs of the human spirit and body in the birthing process.

Happy Mama


I am so grateful I had Tara as my doula for my 4th birth - what a difference it made! She provided a calm presence and was full of helpful ideas to make my natural labor and birth as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. Tara was so helpful in helping me remain centered and focused through even the most intense moments. I was grateful for her ability to work seemlessly with my midwife and husband to help create the birth environment that I was hoping for. Tara cares deeply about her patients, their babies, and goes above and beyond to take care of every need. I would highly recommend her to every expectant mama! 



The only way I can describe having Tara as a doula is heaven sent. I reached out to her at the end of my pregnancy the night before Christmas Eve and she responded promptly and we were able to meet the next day. She immediately made me feel at ease and confident that she would help to make my birthing experience go as well as possible. Tara evaluated my needs and did everything in her power to meet them throughout my experience with her. She went above and beyond anything I could have asked for in a doula. Her warm, loving spirit was evident in all of our interactions. She respected and affirmed all of my choices and never made me feel judged. During my labor she was proactive and responsive to my needs. She did a wonderful job of empowering my husband to be an active participant during my labor which brought me a great amount of comfort. I feel fortunate to have found Tara and absolutely want her to be my doula the next time I am pregnant.

Birth Availability for Tara Martinsen

= Available. Calendar last updated: 05-28-2024

Postpartum Availability for Tara Martinsen

= Available. Calendar last updated: 05-28-2024