Katie Terry Photo

Katie Terry

The Shoals Doula

Florence, AL Service range 100 miles


Birth Fee

$0 to $1200

Postpartum Rate

$20 to $30

Birth Fee

$0 to $1200

Postpartum Rate

$20 to $30

Medicaid and Third Party Insurers

Currently approved to receive payments from the following programs:

Birth Doula Experience

10 years

Postpartum Doula Experience

3 years

Birth Doula Certifications

  • Childbirth and Postpartum Professional Association (CAPPA) - Certified Labor Doula

Postpartum Doula Certifications

  • Childbirth Professionals International - Certified Postpartum Doula

Doula Training

  • CAPPA - Childbirth and Postpartum Professional Association, January 2013

Type of practice: Solo practice

Clients per month: 1 to 4 births and 1 to 4 postpartum families

Postpartum limits/restrictions: Prefer no smoking in the home due to allergies.

Attends hospital births? Some Hospitals
I do not attend births at North Alabama Medical Center (NAMC) or UAB Hospital

Attends birth center births? All Birth Centers

Attends home births? Some Home Births
I only attend home births that are attended with a Certified Professional Midwife (CPM). I do not attend planned, unassisted home births.

College Education


Special Services Offered

  • Acupressure
  • Babywearing education
  • Birth pool rental
  • Childbirth education services
  • Cloth diapering education
  • First Aid and CPR
  • Military families support
  • Miscarriage support
  • Prenatal & postpartum fitness services
  • Prenatal Yoga
  • Reduced rates for women considering adoption
  • Satellite doula (for remote and rural clients)
  • Sibling support (for your older children at the birth)
  • TENS units rental
  • Virtual and remote doula support

Relevant volunteer or advocacy work

I'm involved with Alabama Birth Coalition, Safer Birth in Bama, La Leche League, Cloth Diapering in the Shoals, Baby wearers of the Shoals.

Languages Spoken

  • English

Fee Details

My name is Katie Terry and I have been practicing as a labor doula since 2013. I decided to become a doula to help women see the possibilities of having the child birth they want. I believe that love, information, and affirmation will go a long way. I am a Certified Labor Doula (CLD) through CAPPA (www.cappa.net). I am also on faculty with CAPPA and offer Labor Doula Trainings in Florence, AL and the surrounding areas! My desire for evidence based care less me to pursue becoming an Evidence Based Birth® Instructor. Along my Doula training, I am also a Personal Trainer and Aerobics Instructor and am knowledgeable in the areas of health and fitness. During the pandemic, I saw more and more the need for specific support for my families. This lead to my decision to attend a CAPPA Postpartum Doula Training and I'm thrilled to be working with parents after their births as well. My goal and mission is to help each of my client's have a positive and empowering parenting experience.

Service Area

Florence, AL Service range 100 miles

Certifications for Katie Terry

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Learn more about evaluating doula certifications, an important part of the interview process.

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Client Testimonials for Katie Terry

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Taylor Bracey Brock


The light that Katie brings to the room is undeniable. We would not have had the birth we did without Katie’s support. We had a breech baby and she threw SO many resources at us to try. Unfortunately baby girl did not want to turn head down so at 38.5 weeks after a failed ECV Katie recommended a friend of hers that is a provider out of town that will deliver our baby breeched vaginally. The provider we were with at the time had me scheduled for a cesarean and we really wanted a vaginal birth. We took the leap of faith to transfer and we were SO thankful we did. If it weren’t for Katie we wouldn’t have been as educated on our options and wouldn’t have been able to have a vaginal birth. I will forever be so thankful for her kindness and quick response whenever I would text her early morning or late night. I truly cannot wait to have her by my side with future pregnancies. She’s one in a million and you won’t regret hiring her.


Olivia Oliphant


Katie's support was integral to both of my pregnancies and deliveries. Her expertise was especially helpful during the first labor/delivery and she went above and beyond to make sure the experiences were safe and tailored to what we wanted. Could not recommend her highly enough!

Krysta Lowry


Katie is wonderful. She truly cares about each client, and I could really feel that from her. I really appreciated how she was so willing to work with me and our family with our personal circumstances. If you’re looking for a doula in the shoals, Katie is your girl!

Amber Beckloff


Katie Terry lead my husband and I through the Evidence Based Birth class. As first time parents, I wanted access to all information to make decisions that was best for my optimal birth experience. Katie is passionate about supporting women in pregnancy and postpartum. She was easy to talk to and made us feel comfortable receiving information and in practice. I absolutely recommend her services to any family seeking informed and passionate support.

Christina Kelly


Katie was our doula for our second and third pregnancies, and we had the pleasure of having her as our postpartum doula after our third baby was born as well. Let me just tell you, she is phenomenal at what she does, whether helping you prepare for your birth during your pregnancy, support during labor and birth, or postpartum support. My husband had to go back to work much sooner this time around than with our first two babies, so having The Shoals Doula - Katie Terry for a few days to help with things around the house was exactly what we needed. She knows a clean house and being caught up on laundry is important to me, so she took care of those things so I could snuggle my little love. She also helped take care of my older kids, refilled my water and coffee, and showed me how to use my ring sling. The list just goes on and on! Even though we didn’t plan on having a postpartum doula this time around and it kind of just worked out that way, I’m so glad we did. She is truly amazing and has made adjusting to life with three kids so much smoother! We are so thankful for everything Katie has done for our family. She will always hold a special place in our hearts.

Jessica Hood


When my husband, Griffin, and I found out we were pregnant with our first child, we were so excited! That excitement was soon coupled with uncertainty and fear about everything related pregnancy and birth. I remember seeing an old friend from high school post about her birth with a doula (Katie). It looked so empowering, but I still didn't know what to expect. After leaving my first doctor's appointment, I felt like I had more questions and didn't know where to start. Cue Katie! During our first consultation, we immediately felt comfortable and knew that Katie was a person we didn't know we were missing through our birth process. If you are looking for someone to educate you on all options of birth and to fight for any preferences you may have, Katie is your person! We experienced the positive birth of our daughter and felt confident every step of the way. We will forever be grateful for the blessing that is - Katie Terry - The Shoals Doula!

Daniel Northen


It was a blessing to have Katie with us for our home birth. She was positive, supportive, experienced and ready for anything. Grateful we found her!

Heather Smith


I told my husband as soon as we came home from a unexpected c section that I wanted to go for a VBAC and that I wanted Katie to be our doula. He had never heard of a doula, and wasn’t sure what the purpose was, but he willing to roll with whatever I wanted since my first birth wasn't like my “plan”. From the first meeting, Katie impressed us with her professionalism and her ability to explain what a doula does and why they are valuable in the L&D room. Throughout my pregnancy, Katie provided support for questions from prenatal visits, picking a supportive provider, and educational services for us like childbirth classes and information. We took the spinning babies courses and did all the stretches and exercises  to help prepare all the while Katie checked with us and made sure we knew our “birth options” and helped us create a birth plan from those options. We had done everything to prepare when I went into active labor and during labor Katie supported me, my husband, and even the labor and delivery nurses with knowledge and helped us stick to the plan we had chosen. She worked with comfort measures and gave it 110% the entire time despite my labor taking way longer than anticipated. By the time we ended our birth, we knew we had done everything we possibly could have done to change the outcome even though things still didn’t go “our way”. Katie allowed me to have my feelings about where we were at, she held my hand, let me cry, encouraged me, and she supported my husband and made him laugh in a time that easily could have torn both of us apart. We absolutely could not have made it through without her. My husband has now changed his perspective and is literally telling anyone who will listen that they need a doula for their birth and it needs to be Katie. She stayed with us postpartum for a bit and then checked up on us the following days to come. I cannot recommend her enough.

Caitlyn Kessler


There are absolutely no words to explain the service Katie provided for the birth of our first child. From the very beginning my husband and I knew we wanted to hire Katie to be our doula because of all the great things we had heard, but she exceeded all expectations. As we prepared for our first child Katie provided us with the knowledge and preparation we needed that made us feel ready and confident for our big day. All during pregnancy she was always a phone call or a text away to answer all my first time mom questions. On the day of our child’s birth Katie provided comfort, emotional & physical support, wisdom, peace and encouragement. We had multiple changes to our birth plan throughout our labor, and Katie was the biggest piece to help us stay calm and push through it. There is no way I would have had the same experience if it wasn't for her support. She helped us adjust to all hurdles that were thrown our way during labor. She provided ways for me to still experience as much as possible the things on my birth plan (going from natural to epidural). She was such an encouragement and essential piece on our big day. I can not explain enough how grateful I am for her and the service she provided. I highly highly recommend Katie. She is the exact support that you need on such a big and exciting day as the birth of your child! She truly is incredible at what she does. Thank you Katie, you are the best!



I felt deeply heard and supported during my pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum thanks to Katie. She is a fantastic doula and is wonderful at what she does. Being that it was our second baby, I hesitated to hire a doula as I naively thought I didn’t need to but I am SO glad that I did. I initially hired her because our spiritual beliefs align and I really appreciate that but I didn’t realize she was also a superstar doula. She took time to really get to know our family and listen to what our birth preferences, goals and dreams were. I know she had a huge part to play in how those goals and dreams were not only met but exceeded when it all was said and done. North Alabama is so blessed to have her!

She truly empowered us to advocate for ourselves. I am so grateful for all the practical tips she helped me with that prepared my body and baby for an optimal birth. She encouraged me when I needed it and helped me stay grounded during some bumps in the road of my pregnancy. If I texted or called her, she responded promptly and went above and beyond to answer my questions. She checked on me leading up to birth and during postpartum and I felt really supported because of that. I had a very quick labor and birth in the middle of the night and she rushed to make it to the hospital and provided awesome comfort measures even amidst the quickness of it all. She is the doula version of super woman! I will forever recommend her to anyone who asks me about doula support and definitely want to hire her should I have more babies in the future. So grateful for her and all she did for our family.


Kaila Jarrell


I didn’t have a doula with my first child and decided to hire Katie with my second child because a friend recommended her. Best decision I could have made for pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. I felt so supported and cared for and empowered! My husband also had so much more support and confidence. The postpartum support we had this time around was a game changer, and it significantly helped with reducing my postpartum anxiety. I was so nervous about having my second child because of the postpartum issues I had with my first. But after having Katie’s support and guidance, I feel confident and empowered. Now I want more kids just to experience it all again!



My girl, Katie, has been a friend of mine for about 15 years now. We’ve been through many seasons of life together. We’ve experienced college, sorority life, marriage, and now motherhood since we’ve known each other. She was my doula (with my son born in 2021) which I prayed about years before I ever knew I would have him. My pregnancy and birth were incredibly different than many of her previous clients (global pandemic and changing hospital policies made things difficult). But through it all, she worked tirelessly to support me, my husband, and our baby. Katie even provided me with postpartum support at home so I could get some necessary things done (besides holding and feeding my child). She has been such a blessing to my family and I would recommend her to ANY person needing prenatal, birth, and postpartum support. She’s fiercely passionate about advocating for others, highly educated in her field, and dedicated to her calling to serve others. She is the best doula in the Shoals, hands down. Reach out to her for all of your birthing and postpartum needs. You won’t regret it!

Cassie Wallin


My whole life I thought I would have an epidural when I had a child. I looked at women that gave birth naturally and wondered why they would chose that.

Then, I went to a birthing class and didn’t have a peace about my lifelong plan. I wanted to move during labor, I wanted to be aware of every feeling of this process because it may be the only time I experience it, and I worried about the possible complications involved with an epidural.

Because of this by the end of the class I had made the decision to have a natural childbirth if possible.

Because of this change my OBGYN recommended I hire a doula. Katie immediately came to mind. My husband and I met with her and reviewed the all the doulas she worked with. While all seemed great we chose Katie because we knew her, and I felt comfortable with her. She walked through every step with me making sure I was comfortable with the decisions that were placed before me. She helped me work through my labor and offered useful positions at different points to help with pain and positioning.

Because of my blood pressure I was not able to labor in the suit with the tub out hospital provided. So, Katie brought and set up a tub for me. Without her that wouldn’t have been an option and was a complete game changer for me.

She was an integral part of my birthing experience and I 100% want her there again if I get the honor of having a 2nd child.

Jordyn Dean


Katie is an absolute treasure! She is an excellent doula full of experience and passion. She is so intuitive to her clients’ needs before, during, and after birth and able to adapt to any situation or circumstance in order to support, advocate, and nurture. She provides excellent support and guidance during pregnancy as well as postpartum and breastfeeding support. Katie was such an encouraging, wise, and loving presence during my daughter’s birth and I don’t know how I would have done it without her!

Gracie White Murphy


Pandemic pregnancy and raising babies during a pandemic is scary, but I’m beyond grateful for the unrelenting support of our doula.
I never felt unheard during my pregnancy because we chose to hire a doula. When I was stressed to the max about birthing under Covid restrictions, Katie helped me find alternative birthing places to bring me peace. When Henry came too fast for my own midwife to make it and a doctor with alternative preferences for birthing to my own arrived to deliver him, Katie was my voice since mine was lost somewhere in contraction land. I had him how my body felt was the most comfortable way to have him.
When people ask me why I hire a doula, my immediate response is somewhere along the lines of: she speaks the medical jargon and knows how to advocate for my wishes when I’m unable and that gives me confidence that my births will go smoothly and safely. She’s not just my support, she’s My husband’s as well. She did just those things. Our son made his entrance the way I had hoped he would- without unnecessary interventions and surrounded by my team, and some really amazing nurses- it was an incredible opportunity to have him at Lawrenceburg hospital with some of the coolest and calmest nurses ever. No one telling me how to lay or sit or stand or not to eat. I was super excited to get to eat there, but since we got to the hospital at 1:20 in the morning and Henry showed up at 2:40, snacks weren’t on my mind ??.
So for you Mamas navigating this really weird time to be pregnant- I would seriously encourage you to hire a doula.
She will center you and help you way after- through jaundice hospitalizations, tongue and lip ties, postpartum sads. Just do it. Best money you’ll spend.



Katie provided the support I needed throughout my pregnancy and labor/delivery. She was my advocate and kept me calm and focused on the birth I wanted. I wouldn't go through it again without her!



Katie provided the support I needed throughout my pregnancy and labor/delivery. She was my advocate and kept me calm and focused on the birth I wanted. I wouldn't go through it again without her!

Meggin Tallman


I hope I never have to have a baby without Katie Terry. Being pregnant for the first time during a global pandemic was HARD. She was there every step of the way humoring my panicky texts when I was a pregnant medical professional with too much knowledge, reassuring me, sending me journal articles for me to read and check the research myself. As my third trimester arrived and I was still set on driving 2 hours to Birmingham to deliver at a hospital I trusted, she supported my decision while also giving me the direct pro/con list I needed to hear. When I made the decision to change hospitals and OBs at 34weeks, she helped me make the tough transition and reassured me..lastly, when my daughter decided it was time to make her arrival, Katie was ON IT. My labor was going fast and I knew it, she was amazing at helping my husband be exactly what I needed, at talking to my hard headed self in the gentle yet direct way I needed, at advocating for me and what I wanted for my birth even before we ever arrived to the hospital (by calling ahead and ensuring I was admitted to one of the natural labor rooms at the hospital). Katie was 1000% born to be a doula and she is amazing at what she does. She goes above and beyond for every single client she works with. She even went as far as to buy and bring back dinner for my husband and I because the hospital cafeteria was closed and no one else could get us food because of covid restrictions! Gosh I could go on for days, as a nurse I watched her be understanding and flexible with my medical staff while requesting the things she knew I wanted and didn’t want. As a pediatric medical professional, I know how much of a difference it makes when the patient has an advocate…no one should have to have a baby without Katie Terry (or a doula of equal awesomeness) by their side.

Rachel Rohler


Katie is such a gem to the Shoals area. She is a wealth of knowledge, unbiased, and cares deeply for mothers and their babies. I felt cared for throughout my entire pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Because of Katie's guidance throughout my pregnancy, I felt prepared, informed, and confident. Together we formulated a birth plan and discussed my options for care. We discussed my support team. She shared information about classes on childbirth and breastfeeding. Katie also taught a very informative and helpful class on childbirth that helped us answer all the many questions that we had about birth. During the birth, Katie was my quiet strength. She was my comfort in the corner, the person that physically held me up during labor pains. She guided me when I needed the guidance, and encouraged me that everything was going just as it was supposed to. She was the person my husband relied on for answers, the point person for my family members, the person that organized my support system and helped orchestrate who would be most helpful during each stage of labor. The birth of my daughter was a beautiful experience and I am so thankful for Katie and the integral part she played in it. I highly recommend Katie and plan to have her as my doula for future births.



I’m so thankful I had Katie by my side throughout pregnancy and birth. It was such a blessing to have a friend who I already trusted to take on the role of doula. I’m not sure I could have had the birth I wanted without her encouragement and support. If you are pregnant and considering hiring a doula, I highly highly recommend Katie!!

Mitchell Moor


I would totally consider Katie Terry family. To myself and my wife, she is a support team, coach, dictionary, and lifesaver. The training and experience she has is unmatched.

Amy Moor


Katie Terry loves her clients and builds such amazing rapport. She was exactly what I needed in order to have the birth I envisioned for my second child. When things didn’t go exactly as I had planned she was able to make sure I had all the information I needed to make the best choices for myself and my daughter. She was there anytime I needed her through my pregnancy and my birth. Every birthing person needs Katie as a part of their support system!

Jasmine L Hammonds


Katie is the person you want to bump into when you're pushing the door instead of pulling... that is how I really felt mentally when I first started Labor Doula Training. She made everything make sense, explained things in a way that was easy to grasp and understand and made me feel very welcome. Absolutely beautiful soul and personality. She really knows her stuff and I am thankful to have been a student. 

Caroline McGraw


Katie did a phenomenal job as our doula. Every step of the way, she was there with resources, compassion, and caring support. As a first-time mother, I knew that I wanted Katie's signature combination of grit and grace, experience and enthusiasm. She's fierce on behalf of her clients, and she's also very patient and supportive. Right from the start I felt comfortable working with her, which is so essential - she's exactly the kind of person you'd want by your side during the biggest physical challenge of your life. Our prenatal meetings helped me and my husband to prepare for the birth, and Katie's presence at our birth itself was invaluable. With her help, I labored in the Hope Suite and gave birth to a beautiful 8lbs, 14oz baby girl without an epidural. I can't imagine doing that difficult labor without Katie's support. When I had a challenging physical recovery postpartum, Katie was in our corner to help us move forward. She goes the extra mile for her clients, literally and metaphorically. She cares deeply, and it shows in everything she does. I can't recommend her and her work enough.

Patricia Miles


I used Lindsey for my first birth in April 2016. Then in October 2017 I used Krista. I couldnt have done either birth without these ladies. I am so conflicted on what I will do for my third baby and how I will decide who to use. I may just have to have both! Because of these ladies I am in love with both of my births!

Megan Lewallen


I attended a Simply Birth Class hosted by the Shoals Doula Group and it was well worth the drive and the time! We traveled nearly an hour since there aren't any natural birth classes in our area. Highly recommend!!

Adrienne Wiggins


We LOVE Katie Terry!  She is the most wonderful person and doula.  She was with me throughout my 3rd pregnancy, and was the perfect person to have on our team.  I dealt with prodromal labor in the last couple of weeks of the pregnancy and she helped me deal with the frustration of those days.  She was a great labor coach during my intense contractions and so supportive of the spur-of-the-minute choices that deviated from my birth plan.  I never felt judged for anything I chose, even if it wasn't how Katie would have done it.

Katie is very professional in all of her work, strives to be continually on the forefront of pregnancy, labor, and delivery education, and makes AWESOME turkey burritoes as a postpartum meal.

I recommend Katie very highly as a doula.

Jenifer Merry


I couldn't be happier with The Shoals Doula Group! My doula, Katie Terry, helped my whole family (husband, son, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.) navigate through our birth plan, changes in our birth plan, and my son's birthday with ease and grace! She was unwavering support for me and my family. She was patient, kind, and professional. I would recommend her to anyone and everyone I know. If you are looking for someone that can provide knowledge and support, look no further than The Shoals Doula Group!

Jessica Blevins


Katie did her job without hesitaion. she commanded respect from all medical staff and was respectful in return. I felt supported and listened to while she assisted appropriately. I cannot speak highly enough of Katie. It is a calling for her, and through her God works.

Connie Walker Daniels


I came very close to hiring Katie during my first pregnancy, but eventually "chickened out". I was experiencing a lot of self doubt regarding natural childbirth. I ended up struggling with breathing/relaxing during my labor and received an epidural late in labor. My daughter arrived healthy and for that I'm grateful, but I didn't like how "out of control" I felt. I was given medication that made it very difficult to focus & I wasnt given any instructions to leave my bed. I was nearly 9cm before receiving my epidural and immediately after I was at 10cm & given instructions to push. Had I been able to focus, breath correctly & move around I believe my 1st experience would have been much better. So, when I found out that I was pregnant with my 2nd child, I felt very strongly that I wanted to at least give it a shot. After meeting all of the lovely doulas of Shoals Doula, I felt the strongest connection with Katie! From that moment on she was in the loop on Doctor's visits, my progress, even just calls/texts to just see how I was feeling & dealing with my pregnancy. Her sincerity was very touching and appreciated! I ended up making it to 41 weeks 3 days! Katie knew of my desire to avoid medicinal induction if at all possible and informed me of EVERY natural method under the sun! Katie even accompanied me to my acupuncturist appointment which ultimately sent me into labor, Woo Hoo!!! During labor she was a Godsend from massage, to switching positions, walking stairs, distracting convo, filling/refilling my tub, helpful instructions for my husband & ultimately VERY helpful suggestions for my final stages of labor. She was a positive light throughout my pregnancy and labor. My husband and I were so grateful! I couldn't imagine a better birth experience and I am so thankful for Shoals Doula for their services!

Beth Dussor


As soon as I found out that I was pregnant with my second child I knew that I wanted a more natural experience than what I had with my first. Unfortunately I did not have a very supporting family of my decision. At the time I had never even heard of the word "Doula". After looking into what classes my area had to offer I found a natural birthing class and immediately called. I spoke with Katie and sign up for the natural birthing class. I was so excited. In the process of finding the class I found the Doula group page of the women in my area. (Also the same group of Doulas that offered the natural birthing class in my area.) I started looking into what a Doula was. And wanted to add one to my birthing team to help me achieve the birth that I wanted. My husband and I meet Katie at the natural birthing class. After the class my husband looks over at my and ask "Why aren't we hiring her to be our doula??" I meet up with her later on and hired her to be our Doula. I felt very comfortable around her and knew that she would be a positive support during my labor. I could tell that she wanted me to have the birth that I wanted. And she helped me achieve that birth. She was there to walk up and down several flights of stairs. She was there listening while I rambled on and on, because I talk ALOT! It was like two old friends chit chatting through the hole labor. When the labor got ruff she was there reminding me I could do it. When the labor got fast she was there to keep me calm and reminding me to "Blow the feather!" She was there for every bit of it. I would highly recommend Katie as a doula. She is worth MORE than every penny. She would be a positive addition to your birthing team.

Andi L


We love Katie! She was amazing throughout my pregnancy providing information and support, which is just what I needed. She was always just a phone call or text away and was great at working around my crazy schedule. She is full of info and will provide any family with professional, friendly and amazing support no matter where your pregnancy and birth lead you! I strongly recommend her, she will forever hold a special place in our hearts!!!

Ginifer Fowler


I knew that I wanted a natural birth, and at nearly 38 weeks pregnant with our first baby, my husband and I finally decided to hire a doula. I met with Katie and felt an instant connection. Her welcoming personality and enthusiasm added to our excitement about our coming baby. She took time to get to know both of us and find out what exactly I wanted for my birth. She was knowledgeable and explained what we could expect throughout labor. Then, a week later my doctor decided that things were not progressing correctly, and for the baby and my safety, we would have to do a caesarian section the next morning. I was devastated and terrified. When I called Katie to let her know, she really went above and beyond to make me feel reassured. She gave me helpful information to see if we could get things back on the natural track, although ultimately we did have to go through with the C - section delivery. Katie worked with me to redo my birth plan so that even though I was not going to have the natural birth I had envisioned, I would still be able to have a positive birth experience. The morning of my baby’s birth Katie was absolutely wonderful. Although I did not have the opportunity to have her support physically throughout my labor, I absolutely had her support emotionally. She was indispensable before and after baby E’s delivery, and made sure that I was able to cuddle and successfully breastfeed as soon as I was out of the operating room. I tell everyone how great Katie is and how big of a part she played in E’s birth. The only regret that I have is that I waited so long to contact her! Next time she is going to be one of the first calls I make! Overall I can’t say enough good things about Katie. The love she has for her work is apparent, and inspiring. I really can’t thank or recommend her enough.

Kristen McCaney


Right away Katie's zeal for life and service to mothers was easily seen. She is a born cheerleader/motivator, instinctual knowing which one is needed at that time. Her God given skills are complimented by technical expertise that lets you know that you are being cared for by a professional. We are so thankful that Katie was our doula and look forward to consulting with her again soon as we just recently found out we are expecting!

Lindsey Aline Black


Katie was my doula at my second birth and it couldn't have went better! I attempted to have a natural birth with my first child but was unsuccessful. When I found out I was expecting my second child I looked into getting a doula and quickly decided that having the birth I wanted was worth the cost and I was right! I am more of a shy passive person so I knew I needed someone who was outgoing and easy to talk to. When I met Katie the first time I new she was exactly what my birth needed! She was there from the beginning answering even the smallest of questions. During the days leading up to my birth she contacted me often to see how I was doing. When I felt anxious she always offered encouraging words that lifted my spirit. Once labor began Katie met us at the hospital and was again encouraging and supportive. Throughout labor she continued to speak uplifting words to remind me I could do it. She remembered things I had mentioned previously such as laboring and birthing positions I felt most comfortable with asked if I wanted to try those (which was of great help because my mind was else where lol). Once I began pushing she cheered me on and after pushing only a short time (3 minutes) she was there with us to excitedly welcome our new little girl into our family. After the birth she assisted with nursing and check in with me multiple times. Katie was a fantastic doula and I do plan to use her with my future children!

Maegan Cody


We had a great experience with Katie as our doula! From being excited and offering guidance early on in my pregnancy to checking up on us days after our son was born, Katie was professional and helpful. She answered my questions along the way and provided resources to gain knowledge and stay healthy during pregnancy. When it was time to deliver, it was comforting to my husband and I as first time parents to have someone supporting and working with us who knew the hospital staff and where to go. My husband didn’t have to worry about finding the nurse or getting me more ice chips and was completely freed up to be by my side. Katie took the time to learn what kind of birth experience I was aiming for and did all she could to make it happen. She created a calm environment and was able to communicate what was going on with my body and what the hospital staff needed to do. I felt very reassured with her knowledge, experience, and good relationship with the hospital. She was lovingly tough and pushed me when I needed to focus and help my body keep progressing through contractions but was gentle too. She stayed with us as long as I needed her to in order to get nursing get started. She continued to contact me after delivery to answer any questions and encouraged us as new parents. Her passion and love for what she does shinned through when our son arrived and she got to hold him and share in our excitement. Overall, my husband and I couldn’t have had the natural delivery experience I wanted without Katie, and I would use her again no questions asked! My family who was present with us at the birth feel the same way and now recommend a doula like Katie to everyone who asks about our experience!

Tiffany Bostic


Having a Doula at your birth is a good idea. Having Katie T. as your Doula is a GREAT idea. Her advice and support was indispensible throughout my pregnancy and birth. At my son's birth, we felt like she was another family member helping to welcome our son into the world. She supported all our decisions and rejoiced in our baby's arrival. After his birth she made sure breastfeeding was on track and that mom and dad  were adjusting to their new roles.  Three months later I still feel like I can call on her for support as my doula and my friend.

Cassi South


Katie was amazing. I gave birth 12 months ago, and I continually think about what a wonderful experience it was. I labored in the tub which was very relaxing. Katie constantly had ice and cool wash cloths ready to keep me comfortable.

Krista Trotter


Katie was my doula for the birth of our 3rd baby! We hired her to be there for us with information and support through my pregnancy and birth. She far surpassed our goals, she became a part of our family.

She was such a big help to me with excellent advice and prayers. She helped us through some very stressful times. She was a great support during my birth and made herself readily available to us at anytime we needed her.

We will be forever thankful for God placing Katie in our lives.

Ashley Barnes


Katie was such a vital part of my birth experience! She knew how to help me and when. she made me feel strong and capable even when I doubted myself. If I ever have anther baby I want her on my labor team. She really helped make my baby's birth amazing!

Birth Availability for Katie Terry

= Available. Calendar last updated: 05-31-2024

Postpartum Availability for Katie Terry

= Available. Calendar last updated: 05-31-2024